Authentic Auto Body News 

Questions to Ask Your Auto Body Shop

Questions to Ask Your Auto Body Shop

May 16, 2023

If you want to make the right decision, asking the right questions is important when looking for a quality shop. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the questions you should ask your auto body shop.

suburban driving tips

Suburban Driving Tips

April 11, 2023

For many of us, most of our time is spent driving through Holliston, Medway, Ashland, and other surrounding towns.  Even if you commute into Boston or Worcester, you likely participate in suburban driving most of the time. There are unique concerns suburban driving tips to remember while driving in Holliston, Medway and other surrounding towns.…

spring driving safety

Spring Driving Safety

March 7, 2023

When it comes to staying safe on the road, there are several things to keep in mind, especially during the spring. Of course, you know about tips for driving in snow, but there are hazards to watch out for throughout the year. Spring driving safety is just as essential to keep you safe on the…

tips for driving in snow

5 Tips for Driving in Snow

February 3, 2023

As we get further into winter in New England, cold temperatures and other hazards become more of a reality. Therefore, knowing what to expect is important so you can best prepare. During winter, ice and snow are some of the biggest concerns, as well as freezing temperatures which can affect your car battery. Here are…

what to do if your car won't start

What To Do if Your Car Won’t Start

January 9, 2023

You get in the car, turn the key…and nothing happens. Do you know what to do if your car won’t start? Unfortunately, this scenario is common, especially in the winter months. The good news is that you don’t have to panic! There are several steps you can take when your car doesn’t start, and also…

winter car detailing

Winter Car Detailing

December 1, 2022

Have you thought about winter car detailing? While you might think the spring and summer months are ideal for detailing your car, don’t forget about winter. The fact is that there are considerable hazards to look out for that come with the winter months that can make your car look and feel less than its…

fall road hazards

3 Fall Road Hazards to Avoid This Fall

September 9, 2022

As summer turns into fall, there are some road hazards to watch out for. You probably plan on spending time in your car heading to make memories like apple picking, hiking, and everything else this time of year has to offer. Do you know the fall road hazards to watch out for? By keeping an…

brake safety awareness month

5 Tips for Brake Safety Awareness Month

August 4, 2022

August is Brake Safety Awareness Month! While it’s always important to take care of your car (and it’s why we do what we do), there are a lot of things you might not know. Your brakes play an important role in keeping you and your loved ones safe in your car. If something goes wrong,…

what to do if you are in an accident

What To Do if You Are in an Accident

July 27, 2022

The summer months are the highest for car accidents and it is important to understand what to do if you are in an accident. These tips while we hope you never have to use them, can aid you in an accident if one occurs.

road trip

5 Tips To Prepare Your Car for a Summer Road Trip

June 2, 2022

Summer is officially here and the perfect time to plan your next road trip. With so many fun destinations and possibilities, road trips are a growing choice for those traveling this summer. Before your wheels hit the road, it is important to ensure your car is safe and ready for a long trip. Therefore, we…


Here at Authentic Auto Body, we take great pride in our quality workmanship and the emphasis we place on our customer service. From the moment you drop your car off, we take care of the entire process from start to finish so you don’t have to. While we work with all major insurance companies, at the end of the day, Authentic works for you.

Collision Repair
State of the art facility in Holliston, MA
Body Repair
Skilled team of ICAR auto body technicians
Lifetime warranty of work if you still own your vehicle


To make the process as convenient and stress free as possible, we have evolved over the years into a “one stop shop”. That's why we offer rental cars, auto repair, and towing services from our trusted sister companies, to not only better serve you, but to ensure you are in trusted hands from every angle of your experience.


Authentic Auto Sales


Jacks Automotive


Holliston Towing



Domestic Cars

Chevrolet | Buick | General Motors Company | Pontiac | Oldsmobile Ford | Lincoln Mercury | Chrysler Dodge Jeep | Hummer


Honda | Lexus | Nissan | Mitsubishi Hyundai | Infiniti | Kia | Scion | Izuzu Toyota | Mazda | Suburu | Acura

European Cars

BMW | Mercedes | Audi | Saab Fiat Volkswagen | Lambourghini | Bentley | Bugatti | Ferrari | Maserati Porsche | Rolls Royce | Aston Martin